Three times a sinner

‘ I honestly believe that this man wasted his time by going to the police.’ I said looking up at Tahir as he walked into my bedroom. ‘If I were in his shoes I’ll just deal with the double-faced criminal myself.’ I added furiously. ‘Why would you advocate jungle justice Wifey dear? In this day […]

Three times a sinner

I honestly believe that this man wasted his time by going to the police.’ I said looking up at Tahir as he walked into my bedroom. ‘If I were in his shoes I’ll just deal with the double-faced criminal myself.’ I added furiously.

‘Why would you advocate jungle justice Wifey dear? In this day and age surely it is inexcusable for anyone to take the law into their hands.’ He cautioned.

‘That’s easy for you to say mainly because you are not the victims’ father.’ I replied.

‘From the tone of your voice, I guess it means another girl has been raped and you don’t believe she’ll get justice by following due legal process.’ Tahir stated.

‘I wish it was ordinary rape hubby dear, but this is so much worse. What happened was unnatural,  sinful, paedophelia and a complete betrayal of trust. All in one. How can one trust the law to do what is right when people are literally getting away with murder these days?’ I asked, rhetorically.

‘So tell me’ he said finally sitting on the edge of my bed ‘what is this extraordinary crime that’s got you all worked up?’

‘Just look at this newspaper report. A 21-year-old houseboy was taken to the police station in Sokoto after being caught sodomising some boys. Now it turns out the boys were up to ten in number, belonging to the same family and their father had literally picked the offender from the street ten years earlier and given him a home under his roof. Imagine what you’d do if you were in his place. He didn’t have any qualms about defiling them, he went from one to ten boys. He did not choose adults like him, who are in the same state of depravity, he chose young boys who have no idea what he was doing to them.

And lastly he didn’t go for strangers whose parents he didn’t know and therefore couldn’t feel betrayed. No he went for kids whose father had been his benefactor and employer for a decade. That’s how he decided to pay him for his kindness. Can you imagine these layers and layers of sin?’ I queried.

‘You are right Bint these are indeed layers of sin. How did a houseboy even get into this dirty business? And how did he get away with defiling ten boys before he got caught?’ He asked, shock written all over his face.

‘I also wondered how he managed to do so much damage before his luck ended. But you know paedophiles always have numerous ways of luring children. That’s probably why they target minors because their tricks will never work with adults. But he did confess to the Zonal commander of  Agency for prohibition of trafficking, one Hassan Tahir that he had indeed sodomised 10 boys.

As for how got into his abhorrent and sinful lifestyle, he claimed that someone had raped him at the age of five and that was how he ended up a homosexual. But I don’t believe this at all, human nature is such that the victim of a particular crime does not wish to inflict it on others. The pains and trauma live with a victim so much that the last thing they’ll do is to visit the same on others. So if he was raped as a child he would definitely hate the idea of making another child go through what he went through. Therefore this excuse just wouldn’t work with me. In fact it was like I said earlier, if I was the father or mother of any of the victims I’ll just chase the guy with a knife and castrate him. Without his offensive weapon he won’t be in a position to lure and defile any more innocent souls.

If only we live in a society where real Sharia law is practiced, I know he’ll be stoned to death, or be executed in some other way so I wouldn’t consider taking the law into my hands. But here, where the most he’ll get is that 14 years prescribed by our former National Assembly when they criminalised same-sex relationships, he won’t get the punishment he deserves. This is why I’d have no qualms about setting a trap for him and getting him castrated without anesthesia, just so he’ll know what real pain is, and also live without the organ he had used to cause so much harm.’ I declared

‘I know how you feel Bint. The story is so bad and distasteful one can’t help feeling the way you do. And he might even get away with a lesser sentence than 14 years. Which will give him more years to return to the society and probably continue with his life of sin.’ Tahir opined.

‘My sentiments exactly, this is why I feel castration is the only maximum punishment for this depraved ingrate. But he’ll very likely end up in a prison where he’ll continue what he was doing outside, since prisons are said to be dens for people like him. In the end who suffered for his sins? The young children he defiled, who will end up with life-long traumas and their parents who will have to get them treated for both physical and mental scars. It’s just so unfortunate.’ I concluded.

‘Yes it is, I think the main lesson from all this is that we have to be careful with the kind of people we bring into our homes, and especially the way we allow them to mix freely with our family, particularly the little ones. Some, as we have seen in this case, are multiple sinners who have no scruples about harming us and our loved ones.’ Tahir suggested, shaking his head.