Thugs kill 2-yr old girl over a cock

A 2-yr old Zulai Usman has been reported killed by some thugs in Bagadaza quarters, Gombe state over a stolen cock belonging to her mother, Kano Chronicle, gathered. Confirming the incident, Police Public Relations Officer Gombe State Police Command, DSP Fwaje Attajiri, said investigation into the matter has been launched by the police. The deceased’s […]

Thugs kill 2-yr old girl over a cock
Thugs kill 2-yr old girl over a cock

A 2-yr old Zulai Usman has been reported killed by some thugs in Bagadaza quarters, Gombe state over a stolen cock belonging to her mother, Kano Chronicle, gathered.
Confirming the incident, Police Public Relations Officer Gombe State Police Command, DSP Fwaje Attajiri, said investigation into the matter has been launched by the police.
The deceased’s uncle, one Abdulkadir Yarima said his elder sister, who happens to be mother of the deceased informed him that some thugs wanted to kill her daughter.
Yarima said: “I quickly directed my brother Abdullahi Yarima to rush to her home and render necessary help to her before I join them.
Shortly after he arrived at the house, five thugs armed with dangerous weapons approached him and threatened to stab.
“He ran into our sister’s house for safety but the thugs pursued him into the house and they stabbed the little girl in her head. The girl died while receiving treatment in the Hospital.”
Mother of the deceased Aishatu Usman said she saw her cock in the hand of a young man and she followed him to their house and demanded for it, adding that “his mother directed him to hand it over to me which he did. But when I came out from the house I met seven youth waiting.
“Immediately they saw me, they started abusing me and calling me with all sort of names. One of them threw a stone at me which hits my head.
They also threatened to kill me and on hearing their mission, I informed my brother Abdulkadir.
“They followed me to my house and on reaching there they saw my daughter whom I left sleeping inside my room. On seeing her, one of the thugs hit her head with a cutlass, thereby inflicting deep cut in her head.
She said they reported the matter to Pantami police division from where the police rushed the little girl hospital for treatment, but she eventually died.