Time to address insensitivity towards pregnant women

Women and children have been identified as the most vulnerable group in the society; this is not because they don’t have the capacity to become vociferous contributors to national growth but simply because of how nature has made it. In actual fact, most of the successes attributable to the male folk couldn’t have been possible […]

Time to address insensitivity towards pregnant women
Time to address insensitivity towards pregnant women

Women and children have been identified as the most vulnerable group in the society; this is not because they don’t have the capacity to become vociferous contributors to national growth but simply because of how nature has made it.
In actual fact, most of the successes attributable to the male folk couldn’t have been possible without the females.
In the offices, women have served as effective administrators, secretaries and contributed to the growth of their various organizations. Unfortunately, most women have lost their jobs as a result of pregnancy. Most office policies do not favour women. There is no adequate provision for maternity leave or allowances to cater for female staff. Most pregnancies have been lost due to stress. There are several established cases where women who went for maternity were not able to return to work. At the home front, husbands need to be more sensitive to their pregnant wives. The society at large has also displayed some level of insensitivity to pregnant women and their babies. It is sad that pregnant women have to be subjected to the same rigours suffered by others, such as joining long queues, among others. The nation must have a change of attitude towards pregnant women.
Christiana Nweke, Assistant Finance Officer, Centre for Social Justice, 07033768689