Time to give up on that grudge

Grudges are pretty stupid but at least, once in our lives we hold them. Sometimes, they last for hours, days, weeks, months and even years which could only mean danger to our lives and personality. When we are hurt by someone we love and trust, we get angry, confused and sad. We tend to dwell […]

Time to give up on that grudge
Time to give up on that grudge

Grudges are pretty stupid but at least, once in our lives we hold them. Sometimes, they last for hours, days, weeks, months and even years which could only mean danger to our lives and personality.

When we are hurt by someone we love and trust, we get angry, confused and sad. We tend to dwell on the hurtful events and scenarios and grudged filled with hate, resentment, hostility and vengeance start to take root in our hearts. And this will only be the beginning of being swallowed up by our own bitterness and ill-sense of judgment.

A grudge is not an actual physical thing that can be easily seen or picked up. It is something that we carry internally which could be quite heavy. Though not easily seen, it can be noticed from our negative actions towards others and ourselves. Though it is not tangible it can grow and become bigger and in no time could completely take over our lives till it is destroyed. A grudge being a negative attitude will reveal itself in our speech and actions thereby making us negative and bitter people. Our physical bodies cannot hide the grudge we carry around as it shows on our faces and in the long run our bodies suffer from it.

Most times grudges hurt us instead of the person you are angry with. They do not in any way benefit us and equally do not get any kind of vengeance on the other person. They only make you look bitter, ugly and petty for hating someone or people for something that happened far in the past.

Every situation we choose to confront will give us an opportunity to learn something. If you can winkle out the lesson from your own personal grudge, you’re well on your way to freeing yourself from its stranglehold of negativity.

Sometimes we get so carried away with the feeling of resentment that we get caught up with holding a grudge that we never feel like letting go. Examine yourself and you will realize that you are haunted by grudges you hold against people who you feel are a threat to your existence or progress. You do not need to hold a grudge forever. It’s never too late to try and resolve issues with people you hold a grudge against. To be frank with all, holding a stupid grudge only puts your happiness on hold, because the person you have a feeling of resentment agaisnt might and will not be in anyway distracted by your intentions or motives. In simple truth, they do not care what you feel or do. So, at the end of the whole thing it still boomerangs on you!

Let’s be clear, we pay a price for holding grudges and refusing to let them go. Rather than dipping into, or even wallowing in a pool of resentment, build a bridge and get over it. Recognize that anger against those you disagree with is fuel for their power.

People hold grudges because they feel that by simply giving the other person a cold shoulder or avoiding them completely by cutting off all communications will allow them feel less pain. However, studies have shown that, holding grudges actually does more harm than good.

If you can stop grudging, you can have much more friends, keep the ones you already have and you feel happier as a person. And besides, not having an enemy is a very good feeling. Holding grudges is certainly not worth it. All they do is make you feel hateful. And nobody wants too much hate in their heart. Besides, a happy heart has no room for grudges. It only leads you to becoming increasingly bitter, isolated and alone.

Holding a grudge generates hatred which only sucks up the joy out of your life. It will be hard to be happy or put up a happy face when all that is on your mind is the wrong that someone has done to you. Don’t forget that the baggage this grudge creates can hold you down for years.

It’s time to let go of these hateful and disastrous grudges, stop examining them by turning them over and over in your mind. Yes, its hurtful but there are more positive things you could do with the time you while away holding a grudge.

For all these reasons, it’s easy to tell why you should not hold a grudge. If you are feeling a sense of unbearable hate towards an individual, focus on how to remedy the situation and also do your best to focus on aspects of your life that are good as opposed to the problems that you have. Also, realise that people are fallible and are bound to make mistakes.

Remember, life is too short to be hung on resentments, hate and grudges. Grudges and resentment are like taking the poison and waiting for the other person to die.

So, do yourself a favor by having a self purification ritual by expunging all those negative and intoxicating grudges and you will find this ritual to be incredibly powerful which by the way, will make your heart feel lighter and your soul happier.

It’s your personal mission to be happier without grudges in your life, remember that grudges are one of the devil’s favorite tools. So, take the first step to achieving this by expunging yourself of this poison! Good Luck!