Tips to enjoying life under a lockdown

Well, the fact is that we are all going to be indoors for a while, until the virus if curbed, we may as well find interesting things to do to keep us busy and give life a spice while at home. Get closer to God There is no excuse for you not to get closer […]

Tips to enjoying life under a lockdown

Well, the fact is that we are all going to be indoors for a while, until the virus if curbed, we may as well find interesting things to do to keep us busy and give life a spice while at home.

Get closer to God

There is no excuse for you not to get closer to God now by reading the Holy books. Now more than ever, we all have ample time to dedicate time to reading our Holy books.  We can all strive to read at least a chapter a day. It’s not just about reading but about understanding and putting into practice what the Holy books teach us. Repentance and renewed commitment to our creator should be our priority during this period.

Life gradually came to a halt this week after some states called for a lockdown, while some imposed curfews. As interesting as it may sound for some, as many see it as a form of holiday, the reality is that it could get boring and tiring during a lockdown. Why? All you do is the same routine day in day out. Trust me the television can get irritating sometimes.

Work on a new you

Have you always complained about not having enough time to exercise, this is the perfect time to give your body the exercise you have denied it for quite a while.

Nope, I’m not asking you to go out jogging or to the gym, that will be asking you to put yourself at risk. Online classes is the way to go. There are several online workout classes you can get exiting exercises from. Don’t have data? Then get a workout CD.

This is less expensive and you can exercise according to your schedule. If you are the kind of person who prefers to choose the particular kind of exercises to do, then congratulations, as this is your best bet. Don’t let yourself go with the lockdown, get your groove back on!

Tips to enjoying life under a lockdown

Reality show

We are interesting times, we are all home and can’t go out to the parks. We all know how children can become hyperactive when caged indoors. Fret no more, as our android phones are here to rescue us. A reality show with your kids is the way to go. Why not record everything done in the house (leave out the restrooms). This could be an interesting watch during a larger family reunion in the future. If you are comfortable with sharing it on social media, you can as this could give your social media handles traffic and guess what, you can make money from it! Whatever works for you, social media or not, give it a try and you just may glad you did.

House makeover

This is the perfect time to give your home a makeover. The kids are home, hubby is home, what more can you ask for? There are enough hands to help make this a reality. Change the setting of your sitting room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Give your home that fresh and new look.

Cooking classes

Have never gotten around to making time for that cooking lesson? This is a perfect time. Learning to cook is one of those things everyone says they want to do, but simply don’t have the time for.You have more than enough time now to learn how to make that local or continental dish you have always dreamed of. The internet is your best bet. There are several online classes you can log on to to get your cooking classes started. So let’s get cook up a storm, Chef!


Gardening is a very interesting hobby. Keep yourself busy with the little space in your backyard. Spend some quality time with nature and appreciate the little things around you.  You can enjoy gardening with your children as it gives a great workout that feels more fun than work. It’s a good way to bond and share laughter with children and your spouse. Gardening  reduces stress and brings a sense of accomplishment as well

Read a book

A good book never disappoints. Get yourself books to keep you busy, knowledge, as they say, is never a waste. Perhaps, the secret to getting through these times all in one piece is hidden in one of those books lying on your bookshelf unread for the longest time? You never can tell what new ideas you may get from reading a book.

Tips to enjoying life under a lockdown

Learn a new skill

Is there something you have desperately wanted to learn, now is the time to dig into it. There are several skills out there you can learn from home. Just get started as that is all you need to become a pro.

Home school the children

Most schools have closed and the children are back home. While at home with the children you can take time put to homeschool them both in western education and religious activities. This schedule can be shared between parents.

Relive your childhood

As children, most of us loved playing board games, be it Ludo, snakes-and-ladder, chess or Scrabble. Some of these games must still be lying in some corner of the house, gathering dust. It’s time to brush the dust off and get playing with the family. Once you are done with your work-from-home, you can sit with the family every evening for a round or two. Relive your childhood as you have fun with your children.