Tips to protect your skin during harmattan

Now that the harmattan season is gradually setting in, it is impottant to consider ways of maintaining that glowing skin despite the dryness that comes with the season. Harmattan is a weather season in West Africa between the end of November and the middle of March. It is characterised by  dry and dusty North/Easterly trade […]

Tips to protect your skin during harmattan
Tips to protect your skin during harmattan

Now that the harmattan season is gradually setting in, it is impottant to consider ways of maintaining that glowing skin despite the dryness that comes with the season.

Harmattan is a weather season in West Africa between the end of November and the middle of March. It is characterised by  dry and dusty North/Easterly trade winds which blow from the Sahara Desert over the sub-region into the Gulf of Guinea.

The dryness that comes with this season affects the largest part of the human body; the skin.

Research reveals that the one thing that suffers most during the season is the skin.

Research also reveals that dry weather can wreak havoc on our skin by sapping out all the moisture and nutrients thereby leaving it dry, cracked and sallow looking. The skin loses its natural elasticity and wrinkles much faster.

Harmattan, besides its dusty effect, can be very damaging, especially on those with sensitive skin.

Tips to help your skin glow during harmattan

Wear warm clothing: Despite its coolness, there is an underlying need to keep warm and protect your skin from the severe conditions of the season. Choose thicker wears and covered footwears to avoid having cracked skin and feet.

Stay hydrated: Due to the dryness of the season, loss of fluid is a major challenge which could be tackled effectively by constant hydration. Take as much water or other fluids as you move about.

Moisturise: Moving around with lip gloss and balms to avoid having cracked lips profers a great solution. Go for moisturising creams and soaps to keep your skin and face moisturised.

Exfoliate: This will help shave off dead and dry skin cells and allow new skin cells to come up. Use a gentle body scrub twice a week.

However, over-exfoliation will make the skin’s oils be depleted and dryness of the skin will recur.

Eat healthy fats: The need to keep warm could also be achieved by consumption of healthy fatty foods. Opt for polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds and vegetable oils, fish, corn and avocados. You must also take caution in cases of allergy.

Bathe Wwth lukewarm water: The mornings are usually really cold and having a shower with cold water is not the the best.

However, hot water is not also an option as it strips the skin of its natural oil barrier, thus resulting in dryness and itching. Hence, opt for lukewarm water. Skin care experts recommend short and warm showers that last not longer than five to 10 minutes.

Choose safe products: The harmattan season is not the time to use high alcohol or astringent content face cleansers or hand washes as this will strip your skin of its natural oils. Opt for mild products such as a moisturising body wash, a cleanser that contains ceramides, an oil-based body lotion as they help the skin hold in moisture.

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