To do or not to do?

Nothing, in recent times, has generated as much controversy and elicited as many conspiracy theories as the advent of Covid-19. From it’s origins to its control measures and its treatment, everything about the Coronavirus pandemic is not clear cut or certain, leaving the general public to pick and choose whatever they are comfortable with. Prominent […]

To do or not to do?

Bill Gates and Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo

Nothing, in recent times, has generated as much controversy and elicited as many conspiracy theories as the advent of Covid-19.

From it’s origins to its control measures and its treatment, everything about the Coronavirus pandemic is not clear cut or certain, leaving the general public to pick and choose whatever they are comfortable with.

Now, we are down to the issue of vaccine and again the theories and controversies are raging.

We have seen how health authorities and agencies in the First World are insisting that vaccination against Covid-19 is the only way out.

But we have also seen how individuals and groups of doctors, from the same First World are telling us to resist any vaccines we are being urged to do because they are potentially dangerous and have the ability to get us injected with nano robots that will make our lives an open book for people hell bent on global control.

The name that tops the list of these mad scientists is that of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates. We can all recall how he was said to be connected to the Covid enterprise from day one. The belief has always been that he pushed and sponsored the idea in order to get us all vaccinated in pursuit of his dubious global agenda.

Videos of him talking about population control, especially in the Third World did not help matters. So as hard as you try to see Mr Gates as that large-hearted philanthropist whose sole agenda is to make the earth safer and healthier for all folks, those videos of him put a huge question mark on his intentions.

The many doctors and other healthcare workers who gave press conferences and made individual videos warning against Covid-19 control measures sound highly believable. They spoke against the face mask, the lock down and even social distancing. They agree that the disease is real but the measures are not the way to go.

Now, they are also up in arms against the vaccine. Dr Carrie Madej, a blonde US-based doctor is completely convinced about the nano technology insertion that comes with the Covid vaccine. In her individual video, she warned of a sinister plan to inject us with certain nano crystals that will transmit everything about us to the people desirous of these information and who wish to use it for their selfish ends. Naturally, she urged us to resist this vaccination in any way we can.

Some statesmen, like the Ghanaian President went as far as to make a national broadcast, talking about the dangerous plan that gave rise to the pandemic and telling Ghanaians to beware in the audio titled ‘Mandatory Vax – ID 2020, Gates Fauci and the Rockefeller plan’. He more or less echoed all the past conspiracies about a planned pandemic or plandemic as it’s called, that was hatched by Bill Gates, Dr Anthony Fauci of America’s Centre for Disease Control and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Naturally, he also advocated against the vaccine.

With all these controversies, which leave the rest of us confused as to what is best, I think all countries should make their own vaccines; if indeed vaccination is the only way out.

People are really dying of what is today’s known as Covid-19. Whether it is natural or hatched in a Chinese or American laboratory is no longer the issue, because people from different parts of the world have fallen victim, some fatally.

The thing to do is to encourage the pharmacists and doctors in every country in the world, to work together and make vaccines for their individual countries. Let no country accept vaccines that are made elsewhere for their own prevention and treatment of coronavirus disease. All vaccines for Covid-19 should be homegrown every where. This way, all the people alleged to have dubious agenda against the rest of us will not be able to implement them.