Today is World Earth Day

The Earth Day is an annual event instituted in 1970 to demonstrate support for environment protection. The theme for the Earth Day this year is, ‘It is our Turn to Lead’.  The campaigners are using the opportunity of the celebration to appeal to global leaders, businesses and citizens all over the world to pledge acts […]

Today is World Earth Day
Today is World Earth Day

The Earth Day is an annual event instituted in 1970 to demonstrate support for environment protection.
The theme for the Earth Day this year is, ‘It is our Turn to Lead’.  
The campaigners are using the opportunity of the celebration to appeal to global leaders, businesses and citizens all over the world to pledge acts of green.
It is expected that this year’s celebration will present the platform for over one billion people to come together to tackle one of the greatest challenges to mankind by promoting environmental awareness and encouraging sustainable initiative to fight against climate change.
In Nigeria, Hubert Humphrey Alumni in Nigeria has organised series of events to mark the day.
Among the activities is an interactive session where speakers and experts were brought to present papers on the various aspects of environmental sustainability.
The United States of America’s embassy in Abuja would also be inaugurated today as the first green embassy in Nigeria for their green operations.
The embassy, according to the alumni, has been in the forefront of encouraging and celebrating the Earth Day in the country in the last 30 years.
“The embassy has during their operations made most of their interactions electronic, reducing the use of paper; the embassy’s flower and trees are watered by water harvested from the rain. The embassy has planted more trees in the last few years than any other embassy in Nigeria,” the alumni said in a statement.