Top 5 places to visit in Abuja

Abuja, the Federation’s capital located right at its heart. This fast-growing cosmopolitan city is definitely one that will completely delight you. You may already reside here or just coming in to unwind. Here is the nourishment you need to navigate the hive of activities going on. Sumptuous Food, Breath-taking views, and heart racing activities. From […]

Top 5 places to visit in Abuja

Abuja, the Federation’s capital located right at its heart. This fast-growing cosmopolitan city is definitely one that will completely delight you. You may already reside here or just coming in to unwind. Here is the nourishment you need to navigate the hive of activities going on. Sumptuous Food, Breath-taking views, and heart racing activities. From the structural landscapes to the rural areas it is all-echoing amusement

Top 5 : sightseeing

Art & Culture Village 

A visit to the art & culture village is an immense reminder of the rich art our country has.  It is the main marketplace for the diverse cultural artifacts the republic has to offer. The handy works will amaze you. 


Buhari and Wife, Aisha meets Queen of England
Buhari and Wife, Aisha meets Queen of England

Gurara Falls –A Serene escape 

Escape to the mountains of Niger state.  The staple of the Gurara Local Government, Gurara fall is a sight to behold. Named after two gods of the Bwari people Gura and Rara, one can easily understand why it is held near and dear to it people. Fresh Water descending over rocky outcrops giving the illusion of multiple waterfalls.  The smell of fresh grass, bright sun, and the cheerful locals. This is a must see! 

Buhari and Wife, Aisha meets Queen of England


Buhari and Wife, Aisha meets Queen of England

 Usuma Dam 

Picturesque Lake, 40 minutes drive from the city center. 

Mind-blowing blue water overlooking the sun. Stretching over miles through the Aso-Bwari hill ranges. Perfect for hikes, picnics or simply a relaxing evening. 


Pottery village – get your hands dirty and your creative juices flowing 

Looking to test your creative side and get your hands dirty? Then this is the one for you. Whether you are interested in Traditional or Modern pottery, both facilities are being offered to you. It is truly a splendor, talk about meditative.


Jabi Lake

Looking for a chilled place? Somewhere to relax and indulge in good food Calm lake view, interesting menu, water sports. 

Hope you enjoyed this breakdown, of the good this transient city has to offer. Excite your adventurous hearts and taste buds. Wide roads, big sun and dramatic flair of its people.