Top holiday destinations in Africa

Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. It has one of the most spectacular natural wonders by the same name and is one of the world’s most impressive waterfalls. The locals call it “Mosi-oa-Tunya”. The Victoria Falls is 1,708 meters wide. It is the largest curtain of water in the world. […]

Top holiday destinations in Africa
Top holiday destinations in Africa

Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. It has one of the most spectacular natural wonders by the same name and is one of the world’s most impressive waterfalls. The locals call it “Mosi-oa-Tunya”. The Victoria Falls is 1,708 meters wide. It is the largest curtain of water in the world.

The Pyramids and Sphinx of Egypt

Anyone who has not seen the pyramids of ancient Egypt is missing out big time on one of the most astonishing architectural feats of mankind! The pyramids are the last surviving members of the seven wonders of the ancient world and that alone should whet your appetite.

The town of Giza is just a taxi-drive away from Cairo, the capital city. Giza has three pyramids – Khufu or Cheops, Khafre and Menkaura. Of these, Kufu is the largest. Close to the pyramids is the Sphinx – an enormous cat-like sculpture carved out of a single block of stone. The Pyramid of Cheops took 20000 labourers, two million blocks of stone weighing 2.5 tonnes each to build! Climbing up the walls of the pyramids is strictly prohibited.

If you are not claustrophobic, take a tour into the pyramids and attend the sound and light show at dusk near the sphinx. A visit to the pyramid is like stepping back in time and it takes a great effort for one not to be mesmerised by them.

Timbuktu – Mali

Several international flights fly to Bamako, the capital of Mali. From Mali at a distance of 250 kilometres lies Timbuktu and this leg of the journey is bound to elicit the adrenaline surge. The easiest way to get there is by boat down the Niger River. From Bamako, there is an old Russian plane that flies to Timbuktu. And in the dry season, a three-day bone-rattling drive in a bus can take you there from Bamako!

Timbuktu (Tombouctou in French) means a well owned by a woman with a great belly button! At one time, it was a famed university town and laden with wealth and riches. However, by virtue of being so remote and desolate, it was a common target for bandits. It used to be a meeting place for tradesmen to barter their goods and traders used to assemble from all over North Africa. The town also boasted of a great university in the good old days. Timbuktu is rightfully the most remote place in the world.

Cape Town – South Africa

A trip to Africa is incomplete without a visit to Cape Town, South Africa. Perhaps the unforgettable image of this city is the backdrop of the huge Table Mountain that stands smack in the middle of the city and overlooks the harbour. A ride by cable car to the top is exhilarating. The Table Mountain has numerous bird and animal species along with an abundant bloom of flowers.

The city offers myriad attractions like amusement parks, trips to the wine heartlands in the Western Cape, a trip to Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years). For the strong-hearted, there is cage-diving to watch the great white sharks, whale-watching trips, numerous shopping malls, the absolutely fantastic Victoria and Albert waterfront area – the list is endless. There are numerous beaches around the city and caters to all kinds of people, nudists included!

Marrakech – Morocco

If you enjoy some nice market scenes laden with carpet salesmen, fire jugglers, hookah-smoking, then get three days of Marrakech and enjoy it to the hilt. Take in the tranquillity of the Majorelle gardens, the gardens around Saadian Tomb and enjoy a nice, cool cup of mint tea in Riad. Avoid the hot summer months and try to visit between September and May. The city hosts the annual Marrakech popular arts festival in July every year, Fantasia (a horse-riding spectacle in which men and women compete in traditional attires and the Berber tribe Imilchil marriage festival. For those who want to experience skiing in Africa, Oukaimden Ski Resort is less than 50 miles away and offers the chance to ski down the Atlas Mountains.

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Standing a majestic 5995 meters tall, Mt. Kilimanjaro situated in Northern Tanzania near the Kenyan border, is the tallest mountain in Africa. The mountain offers the chance for even an inexperienced climber to summit the peak. It is the world’s tallest walkable peak and the five zones of climatic changes that one encounters during the walk is breathtaking. Anyone who is fit can climb this mountain and reach the summit – Uhuru (freedom in Swahili) Peak.

The whole climb takes about five days but pace yourself to summit it in 5-7 days to avoid the dangerous and often fatal condition called acute mountain sickness. The trek can cost anywhere between 2000-5000 dollars and get yourself a good tour guide who can offer good and safe chances at summiting. The scenery of the sun rising over the mountain peak at dawn (when summiting is attempted) is unforgettable.


Zanzibar is an island in the Indian Ocean that belongs to Tanzania and is 35 kilometres from Dar-es-Salaam, the capital of Tanzania. The island is made up of two smaller islands – the bigger Umoja and the smaller Pemba.

Zanzibar is well-known for its pristine beaches, spices and the historic city of Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The warm and turquoise sea offers excellent swimming conditions right through the year and the coral reefs offshore are breathtaking. For those interested in snorkelling and scuba diving, Zanzibar is a paradise.

Stone Town was once a slave trading post for the Arabs and is immersed in history. There are several flights daily from Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania and Nairobi in Kenya. Zanzibar offers a huge choice of accommodation to suit all budgets.

Virunga Mountains – Congo, Rwanda, Uganda

What are one’s chances of seeing mountain gorillas in the wild? None, if you are not in the Virunga Volcanic Region – an extinct volcanic region within the dense equatorial forests along the common borders of Rwanda, Uganda and the DCR Congo. Diane Fossey, a champion for the cause of gorillas, worked in this area. There are only 650 mountain gorillas in the wild and time is running out for us humans to see them in the wild!

The gorillas can be seen from any of the three countries. Prior permits are needed and sometimes can take a long time unless arranged by your tour operator. The cost of the permit is 500 USD and proceeds go toward the conservation efforts of these gentle giants. To see a male gorilla (called a silverback) standing up to his full height and beating his chest is a thrilling scene and can send shivers down one’s spine!

The VVR area has about 300 gorillas and the rest are entirely in Uganda’s Bwindi National Park. To be part of the group that is on a mission to see gorillas, there are several rules to be followed. These include – age more than 15 years, no infectious diseases in the person wishing to see the gorillas, maintain at least five meters distance from the gorilla, stay for not more than an hour, no flash photography, no eating or drinking in front of them and no touching the gorillas.

Sadly, efforts at conservation of these gentle giants are failing and recently several gorillas were shot dead by rebels on the volatile DCR Congo side of the park. The plight of the gorillas is an example of man’s greed and attempts to destabilise nature.

Omo river region, Ethiopia

Omo in Southwestern Ethiopia is home to more than 50 indigenous tribes. For those interested in African cultures, this region is a must-see. Due to the remote location, many of these tribes still have intact traditional beliefs and customs. Tours are available and this is the only way one can see these tribes. Very basic camps are available and a few days spent in these regions can lead to valuable insight into the lives of primitive Africans. White-water rafting on the River Omo is highly satisfying.

Africa is thus an assimilation of sights that tickle the palate of the compulsive traveller. More and more people are now realising the importance of travelling to places in Africa as an essential part of their voyages abroad. After all, life is not all about travelling in subways, eating at Mac’s or experiencing some dizzying rides in Disneyland!