A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Nigeria’s Season of Guiness World Records

They say most great inventions usually start off as outrageous ideas. Well, Guinness World Records (GWR) is no different. Rumour has it that the GWR,

Where is the blood?

Sarah’s baby was born on an early April morning. The pregnancy was fairly easy as she was a healthy twenty-six-year-old and this was her first pregnan

The Myth of Free Health Care in Nigeria

And as always, whenever there is a new government, they come with outrageous goals pertaining to healthcare. Free maternal health….

Medical Fraud: The elephant in the room

Years from now, students of law, and perhaps history, will look back at this year and document it as a turning point in the medico-…

In Search of Greener Pasture

Their stories are all the same. Tales of poverty, ignorance, and helplessness. Some of the faces are sad, grief shining through their…