A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

$1.40 for ACT: The Economics of Malaria

There is nothing more disheartening than meeting a patient that cannot afford to pay for treatment. As a doctor, you fill dissatisfied and unfulfilled

‘Japa’, Fingerprint Fraud and Matters Arising

On a recent flight from Lagos to Atlanta, I sat next to a middle-aged nurse who lived in Houston, Texas. She had emigrated to the US more than thirty

The Battle for Kano: NMA Gubernatorial Candidate Debate on Healthcare

On the 27th of October, while most people were toiling away at work, history was being made in Kano, Nigeria. For the first time ever, the Nigerian Me

Goliath’s fall

On the surface, David was no match for Goliath. He was just a young chap in a tunic, armed only with a slingshot and yet, this young man killed a gian

The fight of your life

It began with nothing more than an irritating sore throat and a mild cough. You ignored it for a few days, thinking that your immunity was strong enou