A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Brain Drain and The Vicious Cycle of Strike in Nigeria

Most of us who have passed through a Nigerian tertiary institution know what an industrial action, otherwise known as ‘strike’, is. We have gone throu

Malaria, Rains and The Way Forward

It’s that time of the year again. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain.  When the roads and drains are flooded. When the shallow rooted trees and electrical p

Man proposes, God Disposes

It was a sunny day, a year ago when a colleague referred his son to me. The boy had obtained admission and scholarship into a prestigious flying schoo

Azman Air, Aviation Fuel and the woes of a Nigerian Traveller

For the past thirty-six days, I have not had any reason to be angry, raise my voice or contemplate strangling anyone in my mind. My mood has been most

Is it really Stockholm Syndrome?

One morning, on the 23rd of August, some 47 years ago, an escaped convict in Stockholm, the capital and largest city of Sweden, entered a busy bank ca