A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

First, Do No Harm

One of the most important lessons I learnt during my residency training was during a paediatric rotation. I was in the SCBU (the ward for newborns les

Make the Electoral Offences Desk work

As the 2023 general elections get nearer and the season of politicking ripens, Nigerians are again full of apprehensions about how to achieve a free,

More Money, More Problems

This week, amidst all the speculation about the vice-presidential candidates of both the APC and PDP, the good news of the release of a few of the kid

Monkey Pox and the APC Presidential Primaries

It is no more news that there is a global outbreak of Monkey Pox. So far, at least 300 monkeypox cases have been recorded in 12 countries across Europ

The Other Side of The Story

‘Tell the world, Johnny, tell them: ‘I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence’ and see how many people believe or side with you’ It