A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Much ado about maternity leave

Earlier this week on Twittersphere, news broke out about the sudden death of a three-month-old baby at a creche (day care facility). The mother was sa

Now That the Queues Are Back

Last week Sunday, my husband and I decided to brave the queue at the filling station. Armed with our bottles of water, me with my novel, him with his

When Doctors Play God: IVF And Matters Arising

Last week’s article on Grey areas in medical practice where policies are not clearly defined prompted a lot of emails from my colleagues; the most int

Grey Areas: Organ Transplantation in Nigeria

Many years ago, during a posting in the Radiology department, I met a man in his fifties who came for an abdominal ultrasound scan. The indication on

The Absence Of Proof: An Open Letter To Sheikh Abdallah Gadon Kaya

  The Absence Of Proof: An Open Letter To Sheikh Abdallah Gadon Kaya Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh, “Verily those who accuse chaste, believing women un