A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary


The myth of Santa Claus or Father Christmas as he is more popularly known in these parts, is a legendary character originating in Eastern Christian cu

The long Journey Home

December is for the holidays. Period. After working for a whole year, I believe it is only befitting that I get to pack my bags and go home to relieve

Little White Lies

Some months ago, a wedding I planned to attend was postponed. Barely 48 hours to the date, the father of the bride called the groom’s father and asked

A Typical Nigerian Week: Tomori’s Tears, Travel Apartheid and Sokoto’s corpses

About eight months ago, when the COVID vaccine was first brought to Nigeria, a friend jokingly said to me: ‘I hope this vaccination does not become li

Omicron: Throwing the Baby with The Bath Water

Imagine you are living in an apartment building or estate with several other people of different ethnic groups, race and religion. You install fancy s