A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Shisha: A borrowed Nightmare

A few months ago, a young man came to me seeking answers. Kabir* had developed a persistent cough over the past few months. His chest hurt and breathi

The Business of COVID-19

During the height of the AIDS pandemic, I remember one of my professors in medical school telling us about the actual ‘People Living with HIV and AIDS

Rationalizing Our Share of the National Cake

In Psychiatry, there is a concept called ‘Rationalization’. Rationalization is an attempt to logically justify immoral, deviant, or generally unaccept

The devil in our minds

While at boarding school, some twenty-something years ago, there was a particular girl in our dormitory whose stories were very colourful. Throughout

Is it really the change in weather?

Over the past few weeks, I have gotten numerous phone calls, text messages and in-person consultation over a very common symptom—fever. Suddenly every