A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

The Three Delays: A mother’s tale

On a visit to the village some months ago, an aunt invited me to go for a condolence visit. The woman, a classmate of hers in their local Islamiyya ha

Nine Months of Darkness

A while back in July, on a trip from London to Abuja, my sister sat next to a talkative person on the flight. In his lamentations about visiting home,

No Need for Celebration

It’s that time of the year again; when we dress brightly in our traditional attires and elaborate head gears. The women in their buba and iro sewn wit

Dying while sleeping: The truth about aphrodisiacs

Some time back, a relative came to me with what she thought was outrageous news; her elderly uncle had just passed away in a small village in Jalingo.

The Back Benchers

There is a popular Nigerian joke which says that there are only four career options available to children when they eventually grow up- doctors, lawye