A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

The Ten Myths of Nigeria’s COVID-19 Vaccine

On the 2nd of March, the first batch of Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from India landed in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. About 3.94 million dose

To Tweet Or Not To Tweet: The Fallacy That Is Freedom Of Speech

Picture this: Someone approaches you for and asks for money. You decide not to give him for personal reasons; either you do not have the funds or you

Dying while sleeping: The truth about aphrodisiacs

Some time back, a relative came to me with what she thought was outrageous news; her elderly uncle had just passed away in a small village in Jalingo.

Lifestyle Medicine: The new normal

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lifestyle medicine

The Hand That Gives

Every Ramadan, for the past ten years or so, I have carried out a tradition I learnt from my mother. At the beginning of the month, she would make a l