A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary


‘He can’t talk’ I looked at the tall, middle-aged woman with worry lines etched along her face. She was his mother and looked to be around 65 years of

North East

‘How do you people cope?’ If I had a Naira for every time people asked me that question, I would be a billionaire by now. The question almost al

Breaking the Silence

Her screams pierced the still night air. The time was 10:24pm and most households in my neighbourhood had turned in for the night. I had put the kids

The thief called Dementia

It started with the little things She would forget where she kept her keys or her shoes. She would take her bath multiple times forgetting that she ha

Sweet Sweet Codeine

Weekends are designed by God for rest. It is on these two days that I catch up on lost sleep and run the multitude of errands that have piled up durin