A Physician's Diary

A Physician's Diary

Where There Is No Bed Space (I)

On a typical hot Nigerian afternoon, you notice your four-year child is not her usual energetic self. She is lying down quietly in a corner of the roo

The Rich Also Cry

On Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, Buckingham Palace announced that the king of England, had started treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer. The King is cu

Beating the Ramadan Blues

The prayer ground looks deserted. It’s the 15th of Ramadan and the tell-tale signs are already present. Less people are coming for Taraweeh prayers, a

Black Tax In Times Of Austerity

A rural farmer once visited his banker brother in the city. The man had heard about his younger brother’s new house and wanted to see it for himself.

From Frying Pan to Fire

Once upon a time, between 1980 and 2016, the Iraqi people suffered three large-scale inter-state wars, three major intra-state conflicts and at least