

Indispensable guide to property developers and off-takers (I)

This year, the annual African International Housing Show in Abuja is in its 18th edition. Stakeholders in the construction industry, which include all

The new capital concept versus reality

At the end of the Nigerian Civil War, General Yakubu Gowon, the then Head of State undertook a tour round the country to buttress the unity of Nigeria

Insight on the Abuja street-naming programme

Street-naming in the Federal Capital City (FCC) is primarily guided by the provision of Section 4 of the FCT Act, which created the Federal Capital De

Church gives Navy barracks residents medical care, foodstuff

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), City of David Parish, Abuja has provided medical treatment and foodstuff to residents of the Navy Barrack

ICAN advocates empowerment for youths

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Office of the Accountant General’s chapter, has promised a robust empowerment programme for