
The latest news on all things agriculture, rural news, and information on farming.

Chinese greenhouse successfully plants bananas on water

In the tropical fruit greenhouse of Kaitaiyu Base in Jinshan District, Shanghai, a farm has built a special greenhouse, which adopts the new breeding

Why Nigeria should pay attention to agro processing – Agripreneur

Nigerian farmers and agripreneurs have been urged to focus on processing in order to enrich the country, create employment, reduce dependency on forei


What are locust swarms all about? I heard about the warning against locust by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). Mutum Shehu, a large-scale

How to boost agric production, generate income in Benue

Every year, farmers in Benue State suffer one form of loss or another due to various reasons, such that they do not get value for their produce in the

How Nigeria fails to harvest from $6bn coconut market

Globally, the market for coconut is more than $6 billion, and Nigeria taps nothing from this market, and instead spends over N128 million on imports f