
The latest news on all things agriculture, rural news, and information on farming.

Local rice brands make gains

In the last three years, local rice has made significant gains in the market across the country, border closure and improved campaigns for Nigerians t

Why Lake Rice deal collapsed

There are indications that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Kebbi and Lagos state governments for the supply of rice, otherwise refer

Bt Cowpea farmers excited over potential harvest

Last year, the National Committee on Naming, Registration and Release of Crop Varieties gave approval for the commercialization of the new genetically

Maize farmers angry with state of silos in Rivers

The South-South zonal chapter of the Maize Association of Nigeria (MAN) has frowned at the condition of silos owned by the Rivers State Government. Th

Prioritise nutrition needs of poorest households, govt urged

Government at all levels has been enjoined to prioritise the food and nutrition needs of the poorest and most vulnerable households in the country. Th