
The latest news on all things agriculture, rural news, and information on farming.

Mitigating our food grains from contaminants

Not many people are aware of the fact that most food they eat don’t come directly from the farmer to market where we all buy foodstuffs from. The long

Farmers to reap more money cultivating Bt. cotton, cowpea

Nigeria has joined the list of countries seeking to harvest good opportunities from agricultural biotechnology innovations in the seed system with the

Farmers call for protection against Boko Haram

Some farmers in Borno have called for deployment of military and other security personnel to farmlands, to protect them against attack by Boko Haram i

Gombe College trains 525 rural women, youths on agriculture

The Federal College of Horticulture, Dadin Kowa in Gombe State, said it has trained women and youths from Balanga, Billiri, Kaltungo and Shongom LGAs

Gombe to cultivate 365 hectares of seeds in 2019 farming season

The Gombe State Agricultural Development Programme (GSADP) said it would cultivate 365 hectares of seeds across the 11 local government areas of the s