
The latest news on all things agriculture, rural news, and information on farming.

‘Why America banned Nigeria processed fish’

Nigerian processed fish has been denied access to the United States of America’s market since February this year, the Catfish and Allied Fish Farmers

Bambara nut: Wonder crop getting little attention

Bambara groundnut or Bambara nut, known in Hausa as “gurjiya”, and botanically as vigna subterranean, is widely grown in northern Nigeria. Like ground

‘Our maize varieties are 3-way hybrids’

A seed company producing different improved varieties of maize at the Gurara Irrigation site, AgriSeed Co Nigeria Ltd (ASCN) said the varieties of mai

Controlling post-harvest losses through adopted techniques

Over the years, farmers in Benue State suffered post-harvest losses of nearly all the food crops they produced such that many of them became poorer an

Niger govt to privatise Bida, Badeggi rice mills

Niger State government is making arrangements with private partners to invest in its Bida and Badeggi rice mills toward boosting rice production in th