Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

This ‘wankan tsarki’ phenomenon

Maryam walked straight into my sitting room, in haste, only to stop right in her tracks when she saw me. ‘What is happening Bint? You aren’t even dres

The refund affair

Talatu’s face was lowered, as her eyes seemed glued to a photo album lying on her lap. She didn’t seem to know that I was there. On moving closer I sa

The Great Da’i takes a bow

I had no idea that Tahir was hanging around behind my chair until he suddenly said: ‘My dear pious wife, I didn’t know I’d been living with a saint un

Another ride on the gravy train

‘Do you know what comes to my mind whenever I see headlines like these?’ I asked, raising the newspaper in my hand to Asabe and Maryam. ‘What co

It worked like a charm

‘I can’t believe that an innocuous thing like a newspaper’s backpage cartoon can have such a dramatic effect on people in authority. I mean I thought