Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Another side to the story

‘You know what, the more I look at this video the more I feel waves and waves of anger enveloping me.’ I said, looking up at Asabe and Maryam wh

In pursuit of vainglory

‘Wow, what a beautiful house, MA sha Allah. Looking at it makes one feel like being in those exclusive Dubai suburbs,’ my friend Zulai observed while

Another candidate for ‘d’akin baqi’

I gently knocked the door to my colleague’s office and seconds later opened it when I heard him say ‘Come in’. ‘ Are you all set to close Hajiya?’ He

Three times a sinner

‘ I honestly believe that this man wasted his time by going to the police.’ I said looking up at Tahir as he walked into my bedroom. ‘If I were in his

The price for excess

Not hearing an answer to my  salams, I still walked down the hallway towards the sitting room, then I heard a voice raised almost in anger. ‘In sha Al