Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Infant politicking

I tiptoed to where Tahir was seated, his eyes looking down at his I-pad, and surprised him by placing my phone on his screen. ‘Can you guess what this

To kill an inspiration

Tahir was carefully navigating our car out of the parking lot of the crowded mosque, when I picked up today’s newspaper from the back seat and began t

Unearthing it’s true essence

‘Haba Bint,’ Tahir said with ill-concealed anger ‘every Muslim woman is at this particular hour either preparing iftar meal or sharing it or is

Infant politicking

I tiptoed to where Tahir was seated, his eyes looking down at his I-pad, and surprised him by placing my phone on his screen. ‘Can you guess what this

To Sheikh with love

‘Oh poor, poor lady, I wonder what she must be going through now.’ I thought aloud, not knowing that Tahir was within earshot. ‘What poor, poor