Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Importing LB’s paradise II

Continued from last week ‘And the worst by far is when driving from the Federal Capital through Kaduna to other places. The filth on the road fr

Importing LB’s paradise

‘Why are you looking so sad Mother?’ Little Bint asked in a cheeky manner. In fact whenever she calls me ‘mother’ rather than her usual ‘Mummy’,

No, Aliyu is not ‘alive and well’

‘Do you see what I mean when I said our people have grown to see living in dirt as normal and not an aberration? This is the proof.’ I said, raising m

Beyond the castration option

‘Oh, Ya Allah, how did we get to this?’ I asked rhetorically, addressing no one in particular. I had no idea Tahir was passing by my door and had hear

Our dirty, all-pervading national culture

‘Wa iyazu billahi’ I said looking away from the car window to stare straight ahead of me. ‘Just don’t look this way Maryam, it’s simply horrible to lo