Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Between a ‘wife’ and a ‘life’

I took the phone from Tahir and looked at the screen to see what he found so funny that he was busy laughing over it, but returned it to him a few sec

Between a ‘wife’ and a ‘life’

I took the phone from Tahir and looked at the screen to see what he found so funny that he was busy laughing over it, but returned it to him a few sec

When fate trumps hope (II)

Continued from last week “Apparently the house helps and guards had all noticed something but didn’t bother to tell me because they thought she

When fate trumps hope (II)

Continued from last week Apparently the house helps and guards had all noticed something but didn’t bother to tell me because they thought she was doi

When fate trumps hope

I rushed into the sitting room in total alarm, wondering why any visitor could come to my house and just bust into tears, not minding the fact that th