Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

His “tumun-night” choice

I had no idea who she was when I walked down to the seat next to her and sat. In the crowded baggage reclaim room, where almost every face had a mask,

In memory of a great love bard

‘Let me guess’  Asabe said as soon as I answered her call. ‘You woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. Then you looked up and saw Tahir be

To Sir with faith

I raised my head to see Tahir walking into my room as if in haste. Wondering what he was rushing to do, I was surprised when he suddenly sat on the ed

Our sworn enemies?

‘Do they really hate us this much?’ I asked aloud, not knowing that Tahir was within earshot. ‘Who hates you that much?’ He asked and then added

For the love of Zee World II

‘But instead of dwelling on what you did wrong, you are all thinking of how to by-pass Alhaji’s punitive measure and continue with your favourite past