Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

The castration option

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Asabe raising her hand bag and reaching out to open the car door. I had all kinds of scary thoughts racing throug

An apt and timely sermon

‘You need to read this hubby dear, you can’t afford to miss it.’ I said, walking towards Tahir in the sitting room and presenting to

The price for baby mamas

‘What a lovely couple ma sha Allah,’ I said, watching the bride and groom walk into the hall with the bridesmaids trailing along.  &l

Fifty Dalil against Mahathir (II)

Continued from last week  ‘He engineered a civilian coup by bringing together a coalition of four parties to defeat his former party and hi

Fifty dalil against Mahathir

‘Now that both blessed Ramadan and beautiful Eid are over, what other list are you writing so diligently?’ Tahir asked from behind me. &ls