Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

The gospel according to Iyabo (II)

Continued from last week   ‘My goodness, how can anyone say such hurtful things against one’s own father?’ I wondered aloud, lo

More able than the able

‘And why are you wiping the tears from your face? Did somebody die?’ I asked Ummi, my first daughter. ‘No Mummy I just read a moving

Our mystery travail (II)

Continued from last week ‘You always want to blame everything on husbands. But out there, in hospital wards, are unmarried female drug addicts.

Our mystery travail

‘In all the years I’ve attended tafsir sessions with you, I’ve never seen you ask the imam a question or send a request note Bint. W

Now that Katsina has done it ….

‘So how was the wedding?’ Asabe asked, taking a bite of the Samosa in her hand. ‘It was fine. A very nice wedding with none of the e