Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

In praise of the crowd

I walked towards where Maryam sat in my parlour and gently placed the big glass of tiger-nut juice next to her. ‘Here you are, now you can have

On Her Majesty’s spiritual search

‘Typical of Anty Meena, short and sharp.’ Maryam said, the moment I walked into the room with a bowl of fruit salad to give her. ‘He

Their big, fat Nigerian ‘do’

‘How I wish they had done it in Dubai, they would have saved us having to watch all this.’ Tahir said in disgust, handing the phone back t

Judge Fadilla’s ‘kid gloves’ justice

Maryam strode fast into my sitting room, saying the salams as she walked in, which betrayed the fact that observing this social ritual today, was actu

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My head was bowed, my pen on the paper lying in front of me on the garden table, when I suddenly heard some movement beside me and looked up. And ther