Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Her pre-nuptial nightmare

‘What are you reading with such concentration that you’ve totally lost interest in the news?’ Tahir asked. Apparently he’d raised his head to comment

In one fell swoop

‘I left home as soon as I read your message.’ I said to my cousin Halima, the moment she opened the door for me. ‘So what’s happening? Why are you lea

Kwara receives relief materials for rainstorm victims

Kwara State Government has received various relief materials from the National Emergency Management Agency for victims of rainstorms in parts of the s

For the love of Zee World II

‘But instead of dwelling on what you did wrong, you are all thinking of how to by-pass Alhaji’s punitive measure and continue with your favourite past

For the love of Zee World

I walked towards my sitting room cautiously, wondering which visitor it was who asked for my TV’s remote control even before she asked of me. At least