Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

A special Eid gift

I wasn’t sure what to think when I saw Tahir dragging a huge suitcase into the sitting room. The fact that he looked to the left and to the righ

‘Always a price tag’

A regular reader of this diary, read last week’s entry on our safari holiday and wrote to say he totally agreed with the late famous writer, Alh

All about LB’s safari

Lifting up my head to pick another item of clothing to fold, I got the shock of my life when I saw what Little Bint was up to. ‘It looks like we

Her mouth-piece

A happy and contented young man, I thought to myself, as I listened to my nephew, Saleh, talking about his work and his young family. His modestly- fu

My abode of peace

Thoroughly enchanted with the great scenery before me, I had no idea I wasn’t alone until I heard Tahir say: ‘It’s breathtaking, isn