Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

The refund affair

Talatu’s face was lowered, as her eyes seemed glued to a photo album lying on her lap. She didn’t seem to know that I was there. On moving closer I sa

The price of lockdown

Assalamu alaikum, good morning Auntie.’ My niece Siddiqa said cheerfully, as soon as she picked my call. ‘Wa alaikum Salam, wa rahmatullah wa barakatu

A view of the creek

I’d just managed to put my feet up on the bed, feeling very tired after the stress of the journey and the endless airport rituals, when I turned to my

Between the infected and the affected

“I bet the Big Lady’s team is beside itself with joy at this breaking news.’ Asabe announced, holding her phone up to me so I can read what was

Even if it’s Daddy (II)

Click here to read from last week ‘It’s a laudable idea Bint, a very good display of social responsibility. But the whole thing is shocking really. Wh