Al-Bints Diary

Al-Bints Diary

Even if it’s Daddy

I raised my head to see Tahir coming out of his car. After placing his face towel on his shoulder, he walked straight to where I sat, on the garden ch

Going by a sage’s testimony

“It explains a lot Bint, it explains a whole lot that’s happening out there, wallahi. I hope you’ve watched it to the end.’ Maryam declared, the

Rimi’s monster and other horror stories

Tahir looked so absorbed, reading the paper and shaking his head simultaneously that I felt very sure he didn’t sense my entrance into our sitting roo

More to this tale

I sincerely hope that the police did not buy this woman’s story.’ I stated, looking up at Maryam who has just returned from the kitchen with a plate o

Our very own Scarlet

I’d just opened the front door to let myself out when I found myself face to face with my friend Sa’adiya. ‘Assalamu alaikum, you are welcome. How com