Art and Ideas

Art and Ideas

Picasso’s masterpiece to sell for $120 million at auction

A Picasso masterpiece titled “Femme à la montre” is estimated to bring more than $120 million at auction this October. The 1932 oil painting will take

My paintings are motivated by the burden in my heart – Idahosa

Harrison Idahosa is a visual artist with over 23 years of experience. In this Interview with Daily Trust on Sunday, Idahosa shares his experience and

All arts pieces are challenging – Umar

Although Yusuf Olayinka Umar began his arts journey with oil on canvas as his preferred medium, he found himself along the line gearing towards ballpo

MOWAA, Oxford collaborate to enhance archaeological research

  The Museum of West African Art (MOWAA) and Oxford University’s School of Archaeology have established a partnership to establish a West African

London police investigate alleged British Museum theft

According to a statement released by the British Museum on Wednesday, several items from the museum’s collection were discovered to be missing, leadin