Art and Ideas

Art and Ideas

‘It was easy abandoning accounting for photography’

Musa Omar Tukurah has always been interested in photography from childhood through to his undergraduate days. The Jos-based accounting and finance gra

An intimate view of Biu: A review of Bukar Usman’s ‘A History of Biu’

Genre:     Non-fiction, (history) Author:     Bukar Usman Publisher:     Klamidas Communications LTd, Abu

‘We almost forgot’ to show in Abuja

‘We almost forgot’ a dance production by Lagos-based choreographer, Qudus Onikeku, is set to show in Abuja next weekend. According to a re

Five books for the Rainy season

This season is a season of mixed feelings. We are always thankful for the rain to improve the harvest, give us more food and calm the temperature. My

‘My book is a challenge to the immigrant story’

Your new novella, Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun, is coming eight years after your debut novel, In Dependence. Why did it take that long to