Beyond The Surface

Beyond The Surface

What Nigerians call “Grassroots Politics”

Although democracy is a transaction wherever it’s practised, the choices of currency always determine the quality of governance to expect. The trendin

Idrissa Gueye: The paradox of freedom

Since the American football quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, began to take a knee to protest police brutality on unarmed black Americans, a clearer imag

The search for a dark horse

Since January, when President Buhari hinted about his preferred presidential candidate in a rare Channels TV interview, the nation’s curiosity around

The political price of becoming visible

A few years ago, I was fascinated by the ambition of a serial-contesting politician who never stood a chance of winning that I had to ask if it was wo

A. H. Gimba: An unusual encounter

About fifteen years ago, I chanced upon his phone number and an idea struck. I had completed a book and, in my bid to have it published, I drew up a l