

Okonjo-Iweala releases book

‘Fighting Corruption Is Dangerous’ a book by Nigeria’s former Minister of Finance and coordinating minister of the economy, Dr Ngozi

How my book ranked #1 as Amazon bestseller – Vanessa Jev

Bookshelf: You were more popularly known as a playwright and creative director for stage. What influenced your decision to become a writer? Vanessa Je

Maya Angelou gets a Google doodle

Technology giant, Google has honoured the late literary icon, Maya Angelou with a doodle in celebration of what would have been her 90th birthday on A

Man Booker prize reverses nationality decision on Taiwanese author

The literary prize announces that it will no longer list authors by nationality, but by country or territory, after drawing criticism when it bowed to

REVIEW: Ifeoma Nwoye tackles social-economic ills in 8 novels and short stories

A woman in an unfamiliar turf. This phrase seems to portray May Ifeoma Nwoye. An Accountant, a former Bursar of University of Benin, a professor of Bu