

How a killing, protest triggered my novel – Ojay Aito

Ojay Aito is author of  ‘Night of a Red Moon’, a novel inspired by an actual event when a student was killed at Olabisi Onabanjo Univ

Kainé Agary (Author) To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“I’m really late on this, but I just read Harper Lee’s classic, and I must say I enjoyed it a lot,” said Kainé Agary, a

Hillary Clinton calls Trump a ‘creep’ in new book

Hillary Clinton says her skin crawled as Donald Trump loomed behind her during the second presidential debate. In an excerpt from her new book “


Our Loss In the name of Allah,  Peace be upon Rasulullah, Every soul shall taste death, Abdul Rauf’s soul bit death, We lost a friend, We l

When Marvellous Michael launched novel in Abuja

New author, Marvellous Michael showcased her debut novel ‘Birthmarked’ recently in Abuja. The red carpet event which took place at the She