

‘Why my work is a voice for the girl-child’

Bookshelf: What drove you to write about the girl-child?   Debbie Doowuese Ajom: Well, I look at what’s happening in Nigeria. Girls are rea

John’s ‘Born on a Tuesday’ makes RCPSP long list

Nigeria’s Elnathan John made The Republic of Consciousness Prize for Small Presses long list of 16 for his debut novel, ‘Born on a Tuesday

New literary prize to award $100, 000 for yet-to-be written book

A new literary prize called ‘Nine Dots Prize’, worth $100, 000 and the promise of a publishing deal from Cambridge University Press is ope

The highs and lows of ANA’s Abuja convention

There were people in groups, some in blue T-shirts taking photographs before the auditorium of the Women Development Centre in Abuja. It was the venue

ANA and my first train ride

When I got the message at short notice that Association of Nigerian Authors, (ANA), Oyo and Osun chapters will be travelling by rail to Abeokuta for t