

Daily Trust Editor wins Nigeria Prize for Literature 2016

Abubakar Adam Ibrahim has won the Nigeria Prize for Literature 2016 for his novel ‘Season of Crimson Blossoms’, beating Chika Unigwe’

Abubakar Adam”s “A Season of Crimson Blossoms” wins the 2016 NLNG literature prize

One of the judges of the 2016 NLNG prize for Literature , Professor Banjo, has  announced  Abubakar Adam Ibrahim as winner of this year&rsqu

‘Lack of culture, time, gave my narrative wings’

Bookshelf: Your book, ‘The Mirror’ is a 385-page epic poem. How did you pull this off? Onesi Taiwo Dominic: I had come across other writin

ANA releases 2016 literary prizes shortlist

The Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), has released shortlist for its literary prizes in various categories with two prizes not awarded. This was

A book geared at enriching the Civil Service

The book placed in context the traditional system of public administration in Nigeria to drive home the point that Nigerians are capable of governing