

Five Books for Music Aficionados

1) Any books on Michael Jackson. I have read at least three since he died, and each had a different perspective on the musical genius that was Michael

Now is a great time to be a poet in Nigeria – Gbenga Adesina

Gbenga Adesina is joint winner of the Brunel University African Poetry Prize. Adesina’s chapbook, “Painter of Water” was released in

Adichie bags doctorate degree, Bernard award

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, an internationally acclaimed Nigerian author, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Johns Hopkins University in Maryland

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Artist Khenye Gager Conceptual photography By Yoko Ono

Khenye Gager said is currently reading Conceptual Photography by Yoko Ono. She said “as an artist, evolution is critical. I search for rhythms a

Literary arts festival debuts in Delta

Last week was a special week for the students of Delta State as they were treated to a literary festival tagged, Delta Schools Literary Arts Festival