

Five books in tribute Squadron Leader Sule Lawal (Rtd)

1) Once an Eagle by Anton Myver is considered one of the finest novels ever written about what it means to spend a career in the military and how the

Warning: Reading this book will make you healthier

Title: How to Keep Fit, Be Healthy and Stay Young Author: Colonel  S S  Tilawan Publisher: Author House Pages: 222 Reviewer: Abdulkareem Bab

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Prof. Steve Abah ‘Why nations fail’ by Daron Acemoğlu and James A. Robinson

I have been trying to read the book, ‘Why nations fail.’ I like the book because it begins to talk about the whole question of the leader,

‘Islamic novel existed well before my time’

Novelist and academic, Prof. Aliyu Kamal, attended Bayero University, Kano, and the University of Edinburgh and specialised in Applied Linguistics in

Why I chose to write about slavery –Moore

Bookshelf: ‘Lonely Roads’ is your first novel. What triggered it? William Ifeanyi Moore: Lonely Roads is actually my fourth novel, but the