

Swipe the screen or turn the page: E-books in the spotlight

Even before guest writer Ify Asia Chiemeziem arrived at Booksellers bookshop for the book chat event organised by ORPHEUS Literary Foundation, the roo

Celebrating Jonas Odocha in verses

Reading KK Iloduba Junior’s ‘Dear Joe’ reminds me of poems written about cities and countries. But what would make one write about a

25 new books by African writers you should read

There has never been a better time than now to be a reader of African literature, especially in the United States (historically, an underdeveloped nat

Poet of the week: Abira Zakariah

The misfortunes began right from the moment my birth was announced! “A girl has been born!” A girl? I could imagine the look on their face

My school, White Dove Academy

I was so excited to hear the news that I had passed my common entrance examination. My father got me admitted into White Dove Academy in Suleja Niger