

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… SOFPON National President, Dr. Akin Moses Essential Family Medicine by Rakel

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… SOFPON National President, Dr. Akin Moses Essential Family Medicine by Rakel “It encourages and strengthens me

‘Feast of Words’ festival holds in Ibadan university next Saturday

‘Feast of words’ a literary festival targeted at the youths, reading public and poetry enthusiast  is expected to hold this December at the university

Budding writers will soar in Nigeria – Ify Tony-Monye

Bookshelf: How did you start writing? Ify Tony-Monye: I read a lot, and, thanks to my mother, this reading culture was nurtured at a very early stage.

Five books for conjugal bliss

It’s that time of the year when wedding bells are ringing from coast to coast. Relations, friends, fans and foe are tying the nuptial knot and t

Thirst: Of Desires And Emotion

Book Title: Thirst Author:       Fodio Ahmed Publisher:  Kraft books Ltd, Ibadan Pages:    &nbs